There are no recipes in this slim (36 page) book which has the words ‘No crazy diets. No exhausting exercises,’ on the front cover. Nor is this book concerned with diets. Instead, it is a simple, commonsense guide to show how to stop cravings for unhealthy foods, and make sure you eat the most nutritious foods in the correct amount. This, says the author, is how to help you lose weight and improve your health.
Ouston tells how, in her twenties, she resolved never to be overweight. Thus, she instigated a practical plan to eat sensibly using food from the five groups every day – vegetables, grain, proteins, dairy, and good fats. And, too, she resolved to drink plenty of water to remove toxins from her body. She eschews foods containing saturated fat, added salt and sugars, and alcohol. On the other hand, she includes a ‘treat’ of ice-cream or a slice of cake once a week, making sure she limits the other foods she eats that day, so she doesn’t take in too many extra calories. Her advice is backed up by the recommendations in the Australian dietary guidelines on the www.eatforhealth.gov.au website.
As for exercise, Ouston spends at least 30 minutes five days a week mostly walking to strengthen her body. She mentions other forms of exercise, such as yoga, swimming, or exercising in the pool.
An important feature of Slim and Healthy is Ouston’s use of mantras – mind training -- which she repeats at least ten times a day. These includes mantras such as: ‘I only eat food that is good for me’, ‘I eat three small, nutritious meals a day’, and ‘Between meals I only eat small quantities of fruit or vegetables.’ There are mantras on labels in the back of the book which can be cut out and posted where they are visible daily. The author suggests the reader creates her own mantras, always written in first person, present tense.
Ouston says, "Losing weight is not an easy thing to do. … the most sensible thing to do was not to put it on in the first place. Many think this is not possible, but I have maintained my weight for all my adult life, so I can testify that it is possible.” She invites the reader to approach their own goals for health and fitness with determination and expectation. “If you do this,” she says, “you will succeed.”
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