Dianne Bates

After a rough start to life, living on the streets with his drug addicted mother, 14-year-old Josh finally finds a foster home where he feels safe. But fate has other ideas.
In the middle of the first night, the house catches fire. Afraid he will be blamed, Josh flees and the other two foster children in the house, 11-year-old Brodie and 3-year-old Jaylee, follow him.
On the run from the police who are looking for them, and out on the streets again with two younger children to protect, Josh expects life to get tough. But he doesn't expect to be held up at gunpoint by another child, threatened by a dog, and confronted by kidnappers wielding guns. Fighting to survive, they battle on trying to find a safe home again.
Will fate intervene again and save them?
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In the middle of the first night, the house catches fire. Afraid he will be blamed, Josh flees and the other two foster children in the house, 11-year-old Brodie and 3-year-old Jaylee, follow him.
On the run from the police who are looking for them, and out on the streets again with two younger children to protect, Josh expects life to get tough. But he doesn't expect to be held up at gunpoint by another child, threatened by a dog, and confronted by kidnappers wielding guns. Fighting to survive, they battle on trying to find a safe home again.
Will fate intervene again and save them?
For sale or return: Morris Publishing Australia: Orders Page.
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Review by Anastasia Gonis.
Fourteen-year-old Josh has been placed in Foster Care, as his addict mother cannot look after him. On the first night, the house catches fire, and Josh, together with Brodie and three-year-old Jaylee, escape the flames. The children are on the run, believing that if they are caught, they would be blamed for starting the blaze. Josh has grown with no opportunities in life or schooling but is streetwise after being dragged from place to place by his mum. He is used to being alone and is resentful at having two other children in tow. Regardless of his illiteracy, Josh is very resourceful. Lies slip easily from his tongue and his brain is always switched to survival mode. Brodie’s father has just passed away and his grief is a palpable thing. Jaylee has lost her mum and her only living relatives are her Aunt Ruth and her cousins who live in an unknown place. Josh decides that they should find out where Ruth lives and take Jaylee to her. But the best laid plans… often go awry. There are lots of obstacles to overcome, and many challenges to face. Who can they trust when there is no one to turn to? The three watch out for each other, forming an unexpected, strong bond with one another. The talented Di Bates, author of over 120 books, and recipient of the Lady Cutler Award for distinguished services to children’s literature, has boldly created a gripping story. Full of tension and fast-paced action it gives a convincing view of homeless children on the run. Their fears, desperate decisions, and struggles to survive, gleaned through the dialogue and strong backstories and settings. These are juxtaposed with the feelings of protection, loyalty, and trust that they form with each other. Highly recommended. |
Reviewed by Kellie Nissen (
Here’s a fact nobody wants to hear: one in seven people who are experiencing homelessness are children under 12. Another fact: eight out of every 1000 children in Australia are in out-of-home care. And a third fact: Australia has a shortage of foster carers. These facts are what make Kids on the Run, a new mid-grade fiction by award-winning Australian author, Dianne Bates, so poignant, real and eye-opening. Fourteen-year-old Josh is well-experienced with life on the streets and in foster care – but he’s finally been placed with a family in a home where he feels safe. Sure, he has to share with eleven-year-old Brodie and Jaylee, who is only three, but he has a bed to sleep in and food to eat. It will do for now. Except, good things never last, do they? On his first night, Josh awakes to the scared whisper of Jaylee and the smell of smoke. He grabs both children, and their bags, and the three escape unharmed. With the house well and truly alight, and surrounded by fire trucks, Josh is petrified he will be blamed for the fire. So he does the only thing he can do – he runs. And Brodie and Jaylee follow him. Josh is used to looking after himself, but he’s never had to look after anyone else – let alone two traumatised children. But now, he has no choice. Author Dianne Bates has crafted a story that is both sensitive and full of tension; both heart-wrenching and heart-warming. There is the slightest sense of a Hardy Boys adventure, or even Famous Five – but without the gloss and the lemonade for tea, because this is contemporary Australia. Dianne’s portrayal of the three children, with her carefully developed characterisation, is real and believable. They have personalities that complement each other, and each character has their own arc – particularly Josh who discovers a part of himself – and a worth – that he didn’t think existed. To avoid the stereotype of ‘the homeless’ and ‘the foster child’ took skilful writing and a deep understanding; Josh, Brodie and Jaylee could each well be anyone’s child, sibling, friend or student. The events that befall the children as they try to avoid capture by the police and find a safe place to stay are both ‘unbelievable’ yet realistic. For those of us from privileged backgrounds, who is to say these things could not happen? And therein lies the power of Kids on the Run – the ability to open readers’ eyes to a reality through story. Despite the raw reality of the story, Kids on the Run is perfect for a young mid-grade readership, but should also be read by parents, carers and teachers – both independently and with their children and students as it is sure to inspire deeper conversations, reflections, awareness and tolerance. There are tough themes to deal with – poverty, parental loss and homelessness, among others – but intertwined are also messages of resilience, empathy and loyalty. Thank you, Dianne Bates, for writing this important story. |