Elaine has a Master of Letters in creative writing and has many published books. Her books have an educational theme or element.
CHAPTER BOOKS: They include three chapter books, Lost in a Strange Land, the first book in the Bush Tails series, The Bunyip in the Billabong and the second book in the series that has two short stories, A Close Call and Jake to the Rescue. A picture book called The Lost Shoes is available for both girls and boys, with different illustrations for each.
The latest chapter book, Fearless friends - Graffiti Fighters, is the first book in a new series. Has the theme of teaching children the importance of respecting others property by following the rule 'do to others what you would like them to do to you'. The second book in that series is now released. Fearless Friends - Ghost Hunters continues the exciting story.
MIDDLE GRADE NOVELS: She is passionate about teaching children about the little-known megafauna of Australia. Two books in the middle grade fantasy series, The Mystery of Nida Valley that contain Australian megafauna have been released and she is working on the third.
The first book in her new series, Barben's Magic Quest, with a theme of saving the forests of the world, was released in October 2018. More books in this series will follow.
EDUCATIONAL PICTURE PICTURE BOOKS: The non-fiction book, Meet The Megafauna is now available. Dippy the Dancing Diprotodon is the first book in a series of picture books that will feature two of the animals interacting as they would have in the wild. This one features the marsupial lion and the diprotodon.
Elaine is available for book signings and author talks about her books and the animals, or for writing workshops for adults or children. Her sessions are interactive, educational, and engaging. The books are available through Morris Publishing Australia, bookshops, online bookshops, and all library suppliers. You can find out more about her on her author website: www.elainejouston.com.