BRAVE JUSTICE - CLANCY TUCKER - BOOK 6 in the Kick-Ass series
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After weeks in Thailand following the death of her fiancé, Sam returns to Australia, having indirectly cracked a global paedophile and child trafficking ring, taught eight Thai kids to swim, and established a home for homeless Thai kids – Baan Mick.
An old friend of her father’s, Kitty, has secretly purchased her current office and two adjoining properties for Sam to repay a debt Kitty owed to Sam’s father in the 1970’s. Sam throws herself into work, organises renovations, becomes involved in a sexual abuse case against a high-profile swimming instructor, Duncan Reith, and initiates a class action involving 60 clients. Will the rich owners of the swimming complex compensate the victims? How will Sam honour the nine victims who have suicided? What information does Sam have on Duncan Reith? |